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APK history of ECRCN
Date: 2019-04-22   Hit: 23286
The latest APK is V600-190809
Update list:
//2019-08-08: APK support both TS1010 and TS970 automatically
//2019-08-08: password change to Max.8 and enable characters.(default still no change)
//2019-08-05:When touch not EDIT text, will close IME. (Good for quick exit program mode)
//2019-08-05:Option for active Navigation bar for switch to 3rd part APP
//2019-08-02:add Tips and change to Tips (other options)
//2019-07-29:TS1010 TFT2.8inch support
//2019-07-29:TS1010 Printer strobe adjustable
//2019-07-29:TS1010 Printer driver improved
//2019-07-14:dept show order adjustable
//2019-07-14:solve bug: drawer/cutter can not work under Thai(decoding problem for TIS620 charset)
//2019-07-14:Tablelist add checked field to show different color of empty, registered, checked
//2019-07-14:R/A,P/O,TVOID print out a bill
//2019-07-13:About content editable
//2019-07-13:Receipt header and tail auto center according to printer
//2019-07-13:PLU name expand to 30chars max
 //2019-05-21: Picture recipe support
//2019-04-18: version R600-190418. database 500 
//2019-04-16: Workgroup mode improved(has reach to practical stage):   
// A.Download program data,keypad, autop1lvl... Machine settings will not be overwrite
// B.Total and each client/server can show in full terminal report
// C.Disable some programming operation in case of client(only leave required)
// D.Auto upload R data when exit R mode (X-misc still valid)
// E.About menu show WIFI MAC address to help customer set router
// F.Client can not creat new PLU

//2019-03-28: Improve report speed in case of big data(after long time work) //SaleItem and SaleMedia dttm,seqno make index.SaleItem add PLU_id. for quick report
//History report, loading cycle icon dont show. replace by "load more" if have more data
//When import from old database, auto creat new Fileds and Tables.

//2019-03-29: PLU single item support

 //2013.12.18:init version ....  ......
//2017-05-15: R320.001 VIP pirce bugs(==>if keyboard set LEVELCODE, then vip price not used)
//2017-05-22: DBV400 Indian GST
//2017-08-31: add licence managment.
//2017-09-10: Indian HSN report add. improved also U disk report
//2017-09-17: Indian to another branch

//2017-09-17: DB410 add SaleSubtcnt table
//2017-09-17: Add training mode. clerk code=98.
//2017-09-17: add EC.TVOID counter record
//2017-11-22: SPLIT FUNCTION
//2017-11-25: TN graphic
//2017-11-27: Condiment.note: department add new attribute: M/S/T. condiment only valid for side dish
//2017-11-29: MINUS dept sale bug and hold recall bug for dept sale
//2017-11-29: Enable input special characters for receipt header/feet
//2017-12-01: Slove bug for negative dept RM. media cant close case
//2017-12-05: Add auto discout and auto price level
//2018-01-08: 18925268991:PRINTER TEST.(TS970 firmware changed)

//2018-02-01: Vietnam and arabic open drawer problem
//2018-02-01: vip/Customer auto discount problem,export all stock, export pLU without dept..
//2018-02-01: Graphic print for external printer.#####
//2018-02-04: Graphic print for external printer speed fixed 115200 for RS232 type###

//2018-02-25: New Licence management

//2018-07-17: Graphic TN or List TN selectable
//2018-07-17: remove Charset selection
//2018-07-17: barcode support ASCII code
//2018-07-17: if KP network printer not OK. dont show toast
//2018-07-19: Using 3rd part to send mail(HOTMAIL is better)

//2018-08-22: prompter=>promoter
//2018-08-22: Retail mode. RCPT menu add save
//2018-09-13: Bugs of promotion(UK customer)

//2018-09-22: 135028-about-reset supervisor password
//2018-10-10: dept add label print enable/disable (A83T before not support label printer)
//2018-10-10: Bugs: GRAPHIC mode, auto copy receipt printing blank(VTN customer)
//2018-10-12: improve: clerk can creat PLU in R mode (share clerk stock option word), only valid for 8,12,13 digits PLU

//2018-11-07: lIcence code for monthly changed according yyyy-mm. (different year, diff month, diffrent password)
//2018-11-07: digits-aplha-digit (only on APK side change)
//2018-11-07: main screen add time adjust(A20 ONLY)

//2018-11-14: TS970 graphic printer support
//2018-11-15: Android 6 or above USB otg driver introduced
//2018-11-15: Grpahihc print for store logo TS970
//2018-11-15: Grpahihc display for screen logo TS970

//2018-12-17: Andoid4.4.4 and 6.01 use same APK. by check the SDK version in side APK
//2018-12-17: Kitchen printer format changed to 1.00X APPLE (NOT APPLE 1.00)
//2018-12-19: Bill item print format 0:DPQA.1:QXP_DA(2lines)2:QXPDA (only for 80)

//2019-01-12: add public.xml to keep resource ID keep same when compiled (Important)
//2019-01-12: Net printer add offline detection(JAVA Ping)
//2019-01-12: graphic tickets has problem. need solved. (OK solved)
//2019-01-14: simple http server introduce(Only for report)
//2019-01-17: mult-clerk mode support(UK req)
//2019-01-18: Table layout background photo can be changed by user(via U-disk)
//2019-01-18: keypad also can export to XLS(UK req)
//2019-01-18: Machine no fixed by file store it

//2019-02-26: PLU sale report by level (X- plu report)
//2019-02-26: export add_option,keyname,P1LVL,PLUchain
//2019-03-05: clerk limitation add level2,level3 and control word changed.
//2019-03-05: only supervisor or manager login, will show time set icon
//2019-03-05: full licence can adjust time back and forward, but with warning messages
//2019-03-05: add back the pop message "waiting, initlize" when enter new mode(R mode)
//2019-03-09: %+- name uniform. (X,P,R mode code changed --UK customer req)
//2019-03-09: x-tax report halt bug(need sperate Indian GST and normal TAX report)
//2019-03-09: USB printer re-insert will refresh printer driver(No usb printer power off/on can not work problem)